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Rachael Barkdull

Superstar Consultant

(812) 350-5106

My Story

I have been a Scensty consultant since 2014 and I absolutely love it!! I first started using Scentsy after having my first baby and wanting to really hold on to that newborn nursery / new baby smell forever. After having some pretty rough patches in life, Scentsy came in at just the right time for me! I immediately fell in love with the product, the company, and knew I had to be a part of the "Scentsy Family".  I hosted my first party and then decided to jumped right in and join. Now so much has changed since running my own Scentsy business! I am a working mommy with 2 beautiful children and by joining this crazy wax company it has given me all the blessing of staying at home with them  -first smiles, first laughs, first words (mama!), first rolls, first foods, and so much more. God has blessed my family so much!  I would love be able to share Scentsy products with you and answer all your questions about my awesome job!! Keep your warmers turned on, your home smelling awesome, and think of me when you need Scentsy!!

Thanks so much!

:) Rachael


What's warming in my home